About Us
Our first completed public project was a three-part series of large-scale prints visualizing the history of major U.S. political institutions: the American presidency, the U.S. Supreme Court, and the U.S. Senate. With this project, we had several primary goals: to capture the full sweep of the nation’s political history, to give each individual justice and president and senator a place within that history, and to locate landmark judicial decisions and major legislation in context. Timeplots aims to build a library of such ambitious visuals; some of which will be prints, and some that will be online and interactive.
Our second public project added Visual Histories of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.
We have also prepared a service for custom Timeplots—“Timeplots on Demand”—for institutions and individuals seeking to map their own history or that of a specific issue or subject. For a political software firm, for example, we created a giant Timeplot of notable events in the company’s history, including every new hire, acquisition of key clients, and photos of each employee. We will work closely with you to develop an original work of art celebrating your institution’s mission and journey.
For questions/ feedbacks/ support, Contact Us!